Interested in working at Running Brook Elementary?
Positions are available!
Running Brook's Address is:
5215 W. Running Brook Road
Columbia, MD 21044
Daily Substitute Teacher:
The daily building substitute is a substitute teacher who reports every day and covers an unfilled substitute job. If there are no unfilled substitute jobs on a particular day, then the daily building substitute will fulfill other roles that support the school and our students.
- Hours: 8:55am - 4:15 pm
- Daily Pay Rate:
- Retired Substitute Teacher - $157.00
- Teacher with valid, current MSDE certificate - $157.00
- Degreed (BA or Higher) - $138.00
- Non-degreed Substitute Teacher - $125.00
- must have at least 60 approved college credits
- CLICK HERE for more information and to access the application
Daily Substitute Paraeducator:
The paraeducator substitute reports every day and supports students receiving special education services. You would be provided with training and support from our team of special education teachers.
- Hours: 8:55 am - 4:15 pm
- Daily Pay Rate: $115.43
- CLICK HERE for more information and to access the application
Once you have finished submitting your application, including all requested documents, please contact Jennifer Stairs at to set up an interview.