Math Minutes with Mrs. Mangus - September

One of my favorite things about math is that there is more than one way to solve a problem. In the classroom, teachers observe students as they work for different approaches and then have students share their thinking with the class. Some things that teachers look for are how students model their thinking through acting out a problem, as well as how they use manipulatives (concrete materials such as base ten blocks, counters, shapes, etc.), draw pictures and/or diagrams and use numbers as they work through a problem.

Having students communicate their thinking through mathematical modeling not only helps them to deepen their understanding of math, it helps them to apply their learning to new skills and it helps their peers to improve their understanding of concepts taught in class also. 

Panther Problem Solvers

Starting this year, each month we will send home a monthly Panther Problem Solvers math problem.

All students are encouraged to solve the monthly problem at home and use modeling to show how they came up with their answer or explain how to solve the problem to someone else using a mathematical model. Students who complete the Panther Problem Solver activity will have their work displayed on a Panther Problem Solvers bulletin board and some students may have their work featured on the morning announcements. In addition, students who complete the Panther Problem Solvers activity will be entered into a prize drawing each month and at the end of the year, prizes will be given to students who participate every month of the 2016-2017 school year.

Students who complete the Panther Problem Solver activity should turn their work into their math teacher or to Mrs. Mangus.

Here is this month’s problem. Remember to show how you found your solution using pictures, numbers or words and turn your problem into your math teacher or Mrs. Mangus by Friday, September 23rd.

Happy Problem Solving!

September Panther Problem Solvers Activity

Cycling shops can carry different types of bikes such as unicycles, bicycles and tricycles. Unicycles have only one wheel, bicycles have two wheels and tricycles have three wheels. One day, a bike shop receives a shipment of 8 wheels. If the unicycles, bicycles and tricycles all have the same size wheel, what are all of the combinations of unicycles, bicycles and tricycles that you can make using all 8 wheels?